EC President 2022-2023
Elena M. Wong
Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow
The University of Pennsylvania
Program Start:
On the Market:
- The Ph.D. Project – Management Doctoral Student Association
- Academy of Management
- Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS)
- Association for Experiential Education
Scholar Profile
Last Updated:
November 12, 2024 at 8:24:56 PM
Research Areas
Employee Wellbeing, Organizational Resilience, Organizational Culture
Dr. Elena M. Wong is a Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her research examines employee wellbeing, organizational wellness practices, and the work-family interface. She explores these areas using multi-level perspectives and mixed methods including ethnographic observations, interviews, and surveys. Her most recent work is conducted in partnership with outdoor education organizations, where employees live and work in remote wilderness settings.
Dr. Wong’s multicultural background has laid the groundwork for her research and commitment to diversity in academia. Actively involved with The PhD Project, she works to recruit and retain underrepresented scholars in business school faculty. Her life experiences and dedication to diversity shape her teaching and service, exemplified by her efforts to broaden perspectives and bridge multi-cultural identities.
Dr. Wong’s work has been published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior and Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives in Science and Practice. Prior to joining academia, she worked as a consultant in the healthcare industry. Elena received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from the University of Arizona.
Wong, E. M., Crawley, R., Butler, S., Olson, A., Mchiri, A., Gandhi, S., Caligiuri, M., & White, M. L. (2023). Resolving Conflict and Fostering Cooperation: A Cross-Cultural Experiential Exercise. Management Teaching Review. Advance online publication.
Gabriel, A.S., Calderwood, C., Bennett, A.A., Wong, E.M., Dahling, J.J., & Trougakos, J.P. (2019). Examining recovery experiences among working college students: A person-centered study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103329.
Chawla, N., Wong, E. M., & Gabriel, A.S. (2019). Expanding the discourse surrounding sexual harassment: The case for considering experienced and observed hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, and gendered incivility. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 12, 79-83.
Teaching Experience
MGMT 433 - Strategic Human Resource Management
2022 - Doctoral Institute (DI) scholarship, Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS)